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American Plum

America Plums are very cold hardy and perfect for a mid-summer snack.

Late August
Mature Height:
Scientific Name:
Prunus americana
Available (Spring):

America Plums are perfect for a summer snack. The plums can be delicious when eaten fresh, but the taste is highly variable. Sometimes they are perfectly sweet while other times they are quite sour, even bordering on bitter. Depending on when you pick them, your soil and variety you plant, you can also make them into jams, jellies, preserves, or wine rather than eating it fresh. Today the American plum is grown in a wide variety of climates because it’s an extremely tolerant species for food, as a wind block, and for its beauty. The 5-petaled white flowers during its mid-spring and long branches, the American plum tree is a favorite for residential and commercial landscaping. The America plum tree is also great for health. High in antioxidants, with a wide range of other important health benefits, such as improving heart health, controlling blood pressure, reducing blood sugar and minimizing anxiety. Because the American plum is self-pollinating, you only need to plant one. But planting two or more near each other will certainly increase your annual yield.